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Gildredge house celebrates 10 year anniversary

Gildredge House 10 Year Anniversary - Press Release

A day in the life of a Gildredge House pupil


Year 11 students received a warm welcome back to Gildredge House on Thursday morning when they collected their GCSE results and celebrated their fantastic achievements with family members and staff.

25% of all grades awarded at Gildredge House were grades 7-9. Subjects performing particularly well, with the highest number of grade 9s, include Languages and the Sciences.

There have been some incredible individual achievements and we would like to recognise Jamie M who achieved seven grade 9s, and Catherine W who achieved on average two grades above expected in all subjects. Special mentions must also go to Kitty H, Rose M, Ameen A, Charlie E-S, George P, Tom L, Erin B, and Grace M.

Craig Bull, Executive Head Teacher, said “We are immensely proud of all our students for their achievements today, and for the young people they have become while on their journey at Gildredge House. These students are one of the Year Groups that have been most affected by the pandemic, and to come out with these results highlights their perseverance and determination to succeed. I would also like to thank the dedicated team at Gildredge House for their support of our students.”


100% BTEC Pass Rates

13% A* to A Grades

33% A* to B Grades

We are enormously proud of our Sixth Form students who have received their A-Level and BTEC results today. Among the standout subjects, an exceptional 67% of students achieved A* or A grades in Mathematics and in Further Mathematics an impressive 50% of students achieved A* or A grades. Our Physical Education department secured 50% Distinction or Distinction* grades and Psychology students were awarded 75% A* to B grades.

This cohort of students completed their GCSE studies during the COVID Pandemic, making the jump to A Levels and Level 3 BTECs even more significant. Reflecting on this, we feel this year’s results are a testimony to the students’ commitment to their education and an illustration of their determination to Aspire in all they do.

"We are incredibly proud of all that our students have achieved" said Executive Head Teacher Craig Bull. "Their dedication, hard work, and perseverance have resulted in these great outcomes.  Whether pursuing higher education at a range of universities or embarking on their chosen careers, we have full confidence that our students are equipped with the skills and knowledge to excel and make a positive impact in their respective fields."

Chair of Governors, Julian Mace adds, “On behalf of the Governing Board, I wish to extend my gratitude to the dedicated teachers and staff members of Gildredge House. Their tireless efforts, unwavering dedication, and exceptional pastoral care have been truly commendable. Additionally, I would like to express my appreciation to our parents and families for their invaluable support.

Following todays’ publication of results, many of our students have accepted places at high achieving universities. We are proud to say that when our students leave, they take with them more than just academic accomplishments. We put effort into nurturing a wide range of skills and qualities through our extra-curricular activities, pastoral care, and career support. These extra elements have proven invaluable in supporting our students as they transition to their next stage, whether that's further studies, training, or the start of their careers. This cohort of students have been fantastic members of our school community; for this we thank each and every student and wish them every success in their future endeavours.


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