Work Experience

To support contacts and encounters with employers, Gildredge House recently launched The Gildredge House Careers Business Partnership. This partnership is made up of local businesses who have pledged their time to support work experience and the careers programme at Gildredge House. If you would like to get involved, please contact Mrs Sara Bray

Students must engage in meaningful encounters with employers in secondary school. KS3 Take Your Child To Work Day and Work Experience in KS4.

Gildredge House has an appointed Enterprise Adviser to support Gildredge House to make these much-needed contacts with employers.

With the introduction of Technical levels (T Levels), contact with Employers will become ever more important. The Government is backing a new Apprenticeship Scheme and this is an extremely fast-growing initiative. Apprenticeships are no longer just Technical Apprenticeships but now offer Degree Level Apprenticeships too. Please visit our jobs board for Apprenticeship opportunities and keep an eye on the weekly careers newsletter for up-to-date opportunities.

Work Experience takes place in March, and involves all Year 10. Work Experience is an invaluable opportunity for our students to fully experience the workplace, and the world of work, and also learn those very important employability skills that all employers are looking for. Students have a full programme to prepare for work experience and this is delivered via the Personal Development programme. De-brief work experience sessions are also offered, giving students an opportunity to reflect on what they’ve learned.


Finding Your Own Placement

How to Contact an Employer

Guide For Parents

Guide For Students

Work Experience Log

Work Experience Log Word
