Planning your Career

Post 16

The School works closely with East Sussex Education Services and The Youth Employability Service to ensure that students who are at risk of NEET (Not In Education and Training) are supported from Year 10 all the way through to the summer of their Year 11 year. Destination data is closely tracked and monitored.   The School also works alongside The Youth Employability Service which offer bespoke one-to-one careers advice to support students and workshops to groups.  All destination data is recorded and analysed by the School. Destination data is available on request.

Post 18

Gildredge House invites former students back to Sixth Form and to School to talk about their career journey.  In December 2022, a former student came to talk to the sixth form about their journey into Formula One Engineering.  The Sixth Form also received a talk from another former student and she spoke about how she started her own construction company.


Planning your Career

All students are offered career interviews from Key Stage 3.  These start formally from Year 10 all the way up to Year 13 and beyond.  Students can follow up their career planning by booking one-to-one careers appointments which are supported during the Careers and community lessons, break time and before and after school (on request). Young people are also offered the opportunity to bring in their parents because research suggests that parents can be a positive influence in supporting young people with their career planning.  It is never too early to start planning your future career. Research suggests that role models heavily influence young people and these range from parents and teachers to leaders in sport. We are all here to help support your child, so encourage them to ask and to visit the Careers Resource Centre in the Gildredge House Library at break and lunch times.

If you have any further career appointment queries, please contact the Careers Adviser, Mrs Sara Bray


Careers East Sussex 

The National Careers Service, Job Profiles and much, much more

Planning your career 

Suggested careers for you to research

Careers advice. Info on apprenticeships and employment

Explore jobs and take a quick careers quiz

Careers quizzes, jobs and uni advice

