Student Careers

Gildredge House Careers Advice aND gUIDANCE

“Gildredge House aspires to have embedded and focussed relationships with a wide range of partners in business and industry in order to assist students in developing clear, ambitious and realistic plans for their future”. Mr Craig Bull, Executive Head Teacher

At Gildredge House we value how important Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is for our young people, in both supporting aspirations and guiding and preparing them for the next steps in their career pathways.

We place great emphasis on the delivery of a high-quality careers education to our students to enable them to develop a good understanding of the options available to them, both at Post 16 and 18, supporting them to make strong informed decisions about their future careers and achieve their potential.

The Careers Education programme at Gildredge House helps students make the most of themselves and their opportunities. In particular, it aims to help students: maintain a culture of high aspirations; develop their knowledge and understanding of the changing nature of work; learning and careers; develop the skills and attitudes necessary for success in modern Britain; develop in students an awareness of the wide variety of education, training and careers opportunities both locally and nationally; extend their understanding of opportunities in learning and work; develop an awareness of the range of opportunities which are realistically available to them in continued education and training at 16+ and 18+; assess their achievements, qualities and skills; develop the necessary decision-making skills to manage transitions; experience the world of work and develop transferable skills; make good use of information and guidance by all members of staff at Gildredge House; recognise and deal accordingly with influences on their attitudes, values and behaviour in relation to work; develop and use their self-knowledge when thinking about course choices; recognise the value and impact their activities at school can have on their future; and develop and use the skills they need to review achievements, plan future actions, make decisions, present themselves well and cope with change and transition.




Longitudinal research studies suggest that the way in which teenagers think about their futures in education and employment has a significant impact on their future as working adults. Conversely, teenagers who have underestimated the education required for their desired profession are statistically more likely to end up as not in education, employment or training (NEET). Careers education: international literature review July 2016.

Following on from review and analysis, as well as six international visits, The Good Career Guidance Report, which identifies a set of eight benchmarks that schools can use as a framework for improving their careers provision, was published. These benchmarks have been well received by schools, government and a wide range of stakeholders. They are called the Gatsby Benchmark of Good Career Guidance. The eight Gatsby benchmarks of Good Career Guidance are:

1. A stable careers programme

An ‘all school’ approach to careers delivered by a Careers Co-ordinator and led by the Senior Leadership Careers Leader. An embedded programme of careers education and guidance known and understood by students, teachers, Governors and employers from KS1 – KS4.

2. Learning from career and labour market information

Every student has access to good quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities. Students have access to the Gildredge House careers library where up-to-date LMI is refreshed monthly and annually. LMI newsletters are available as well as access to a qualified Careers Advisor and regular up-to-date communications sent to students via the VLE.

3. Addressing the needs of each student

Students have different career guidance needs at different stages. Opportunities are given to all students. Advice and support is tailored to the needs of each individual. Gildredge House’s career programme is embed in equality and diversity considerations throughout. One to one careers interviews in Year 10 and in Year 12 and additional careers appointments on request during lunch times. Careers Co-ordinator is a ‘Teacher Ambassador’ for the University of Bath Widening Participation Programme. All LAC, PPP and vulnerable students obtain additional one to one tutorial support. All students receive differentiated support.

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

All teachers/tutors link curriculum learning with careers. Teaching material and lesson plans are regularly monitored and updated to reflect changes in LMO. All subject departments have a bespoke careers display outside their department classrooms. STEM subject teachers highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of career paths. Annual drop down careers day for every year group lesson plans focus on a careers and employability theme.

5. Encounters with employers and employees

Every student has multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes At least two meaningful contacts per year in person and online. Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 in course Careers Fair as well as attending Big Futures Careers Fair. Sixth Form visit to the UCAS careers fair in Brighton. National Careers Week (March) and National Apprenticeship Week (February). These are celebrated in newsletters to pupils, students and parents.

6. Experiences of workplaces

Every student should has a first-hand experience of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing and /or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities and expand their networks. Gildredge House has a formal work experience programme for Year 10 students and year 12 students in the Summer terms. On request, students are supported to find their own work experience during the school/college holidays and bespoke support given to sixth form students applying to medicine, dentistry, allied medicine, veterinary medicine and law.

7. Encounters with further and higher education

All students understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. This includes both academic and vocational routes and learning in schools, colleges, universities and in the workplace. Visits to colleges and universities throughout KS3-5 and through the widening participation to university programme. Visits and talks from Further Education Colleges through assemblies and through stands at the Gildredge House Careers Fair.

8. Personal guidance

Every student has regular opportunities for guidance interviews with a qualified Level 6 in-school careers adviser. Students are invited from KS2 to visit the careers library and one-to-one appointments are readily available during lunch break and during Careers and Community lessons on request to all students.  All KS4 students have one-to-one careers guidance interviews and additional follow-up appointments are available on request. Students in KS5 have two one-to-one interviews, which can last up to one hour each to gain support to find Post-18 courses, assess universities, work experience, employment, apprenticeships and CV writing.

We are proud to have achieved 100% in all eight of the Gatsby Benchmarks, illustrating our high standards with CEIAG provision.



Gildredge House uses Morrisby to track young people’s career learning. Students have an opportunity to offer feedback on careers events, such as careers days so that the impact of the careers programme can be evaluated.

We also monitor, evaluate and review our processes ensuring that we offer a solid and accessible careers programme for our students. We monitor our programme using the Compass Evaluation Tool (supported by the Careers and Enterprise Company) termly.

In addition, all participants in the programme complete surveys following key events including students, parents and employers.

Finally, school leavers’ destination information is also analysed annually. The careers programme is monitored by Governors and staff throughout the academic year.


Management of provider access requests

Any provider wishing to request access should contact the Careers and Enterprise Coordinator and Careers Advisor, Mrs Bray, via email: or on 01323 400650, extension 2037.

Opportunities for access (PAL)

The school offers a comprehensive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programme and an overview of this programme can be found on the school website.

The school will work with providers to identify the most effective opportunity for them to share information about education and training opportunities.

The school will make a suitable space available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available ICT and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. Requirements are discussed and agreed in advance of the visit.

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature so that it can be displayed in the Careers Section of the school library.

The school is happy to consider requests from Apprenticeship and training providers, further education colleges providing technical, vocational and academic education, Sixth Forms, Universities, employers, former students (alumni members), Gildredge House Careers Business Partnership members, outside organisations supporting careers work, such as YES and National Citizen Service and parents are also welcome to deliver talks, assemblies, lessons, workshops, one-to-one mentoring and online sessions to our students.

Opportunities for providers to speak with students may include school assemblies, employer and provider engagement events or opportunities to speak with students and parents on a one-to-one basis supporting GCSE, post-16 or post-18 option choices. Gildredge House’s careers programme is monitored for quality and impact by the Careers Leader and Senior Leadership Team; monitoring of access to and opportunities to engage with technical, vocational and training providers will form part of this process.

We are also happy to accept requests from providers out of area to broaden the opportunities available to all our students. Such institutions include ESCG (Hastings, Eastbourne and Lewes) BHASVIC, DV8, Brighton Met, BN1Arts, Hailsham Community College, Seaford Head
Address and Registered Office: Compton Place Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN20 8AB
Tel: 01323 400650

Gildredge House Free School is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No: 8436285
Sixth Form and Bexhill College. Universities such as the University of Sussex and the University of Brighton are also welcome to engage with our students. We welcome engagement with providers from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 5.

Gildredge House proactively seeks to build relationships with these partners as we plan our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programme activity throughout the school year to ensure that providers have multiple opportunities to speak to students and their parents across all Year Groups.

Employers and parents are welcome to join the Gildredge House Careers Business Partnership and can have access to our students through the work of the partnership. The school will ensure that students have at least six encounters with providers of approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships, from Year 7, all the way up to Year 13. Gildredge House ensures that staff involved in personnel guidance and pastoral support are up-to-date on their knowledge of these post-16 and post-18 pathways, through a programme of Continuing Professional Development.

Accessing the school site

Agreed providers can make use of the school car park on arrival and make their way up the school drive. Please use the Secondary phase button on the pedestrian gate and enter through the main School Office through the sliding glass doors. Sign in with the School Receptionist and wait to be collected by a member of the careers team.

Gildredge House
Compton Place Road
East Sussex
BN20 8AB

Telephone: 01323 400650, extension 2037


In the event of a complaint, please contact the Assistant Head: Personal Development in the first instance.



Careers Advice & Guidance Online Platform - Morrisby

The School is now using a career platform called Morrisby.  Morrisby allows the School to track individual career guidance provision across all the Gatsby Benchmarks.  Students are able to print their career reports to get an overview of what they have completed within their career-learning journey.  The report also includes a range of activities they can complete in the future to add to their existing profile of research.

Morrisby is available to all pupils and students, teaching staff as well as parents and carers at Gildredge House.  It provides young people with the opportunity to undertake psychometric profile testing which evolves as a young person’s interests and passions grow and change. Gildredge House uses Morrisby to track young people’s career learning. Students have an opportunity to offer feedback on careers events, such as careers days so that the impact of the careers programme can be evaluated.  As Morrisby is an evolving platform, it offers young people up-to-date career advice and information and is a part of the support offered to all pupils and students to start their career journey.


This information will be reviewed alongside the Careers Policy in July 2025.


Students, parents, teachers and employers can access information about our careers programme by contacting the Careers Advisor, Mrs Bray, on



Information for Work Experience 2024-25

Gildredge House Work Experience Launch to parents 6 June 2024

Year 10 Work Experience Programme Guide SBR 6.6.2024

Work Experience Letter 1

Careers Policy

GH Work Experience Log 2024

GH Work Experience Log 2024


