Environment Ambassadors

Who We Are

We are a group of students who are proud of our school and want to keep it tidy. We are based in every Year Group from Year 1 to Year 6.

What We Do

We monitor displays and make sure that no display boarders are hanging down or have been damaged. We make sure that the coats and bags are correctly positioned on their pegs and monitor that the lunch boxes are stored correctly and are collected at the end of each day. We also monitor that the school corridors are kept tidy.

Job Description

Learn more about the Environment Ambassador role in the document below.

Primary Environment Ambassador Job Description

Why We Want to be Environment Ambassadors

“I think it is very important to look after our school. Not just outside but also in, to make sure no one trips up and really injures themselves.” Year 5 Environment Ambassador

“This job is important to me because I like helping and I want my school to be a nice place for people to work in.” Year 5 Environment Ambassador
