Behaviour and Attitudes

We have the highest aspirations for our school and every member of our school community. By promoting a culture of Ambition, Support, Perseverance, Integrity, Reflection and Empathy, we strive to Aspire, in all that we do.


Our school is founded upon high standards and high expectations of students’ attitude to learning. We expect a commitment from all students to the Gildredge House Way in being Ready, Respectful, and Safe.


The school's aim is to create an ethos and an environment which celebrates diversity and how every child is unique. As a result of this, all students feel safe and can learn to interact respectfully, sensibly and maturely with others. The development of personal qualities and social skills, and the fostering of socially acceptable behaviour, are therefore integral aspects of the school curriculum

At Gildredge House, we understand that relationships are key. We have staff who work incredibly hard every day to develop strong relationships with students and parents to ensure they are supported, inspired, and motivated to Aspire in all they do.


Secondary Phase Ready to Learn Routines

We have a set of clear routines which enable all staff to help support positive behaviours across the school.

Start of Lessons - Teachers are to be at classrooms as quickly as possible when moving rooms between lessons.

Meet & Greet at the door - Greeting students at the door, positively reinforcing expectations of learners walking down the corridor and checking uniform.

Retrieval Task - Ready on the board for learners.

Equipment – Students to put their Pencil Case on their desk.

Register - To be taken in the first 10minutes of the lesson.



The school believes that good behaviour is dependent on high self-esteem and that a consistently applied system of rewards is fundamental to achieving this. The school want students to feel proud of their achievements and to thrive in a positive and rewarding environment. Teachers act as role models using positive language and actively seeking opportunities to reward students. Effort is the driving force behind the majority of rewards.



A student not wearing the correct uniform will be identified during uniform checks at morning registration by their Form Tutor. Contact home via EduLink or a phone call is required and if the student / parent(s) fails to address the uniform anomaly, a stepped sanction approach will follow from the Form Tutor or Head of Year. This will result in further contact home and a meeting with the parent(s), if required. A severe breech of the school's Uniform Policy could involve a student being in the Reflection Room until the problem is resolved.


Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are part of modern society and the majority of students will now own a mobile phone. We understand that for safety reasons students will carry a mobile phone in order to contact parents/carers after school/before school. However, mobile phones can lead to several problems in school, for example bullying, disruption to lessons and inappropriate web usage. As a school we strongly encourage our students to talk to each other and develop friendship groups at break and lunchtime, as opposed to using their mobile phones. As a result, the use of mobile phones during school hours is forbidden. Students found using their mobile phone without permission will be dealt with in accordance with school policy.
