All Gildredge House students are expected to adhere to the Gildredge House Uniform Policies and Uniform Lists.
Students should take pride in their appearance. We expect all our students to be smartly and sensibly dressed with clothing as designated on the relevant Gildredge House Uniform List. This should be fully and strictly adhered to.
Students should have appropriate outdoor clothing i.e. suitable coat every day. All students must be in full school uniform from the first day of term.
PE kit: Primary phase students
Students in the Primary phase are permitted to wear their PE kit to school on days where they have PE, but this must align with our Uniform Policy. Please refer to the Uniform Policy below for further details.
Gildredge House Uniform Policies
Gildredge House Uniform Policy- Primary and Secondary
Gildredge House Uniform Lists
Gildredge House Primary Uniform List
Gildredge House Secondary Uniform List
It is a requirement that all uniform is clearly named; shoes, trainers and other equipment must also be marked with indelible ink.
Gildredge House Uniform Supplier
Reception – Year 11
The school’s uniform supplier is Brigade. Please view the document below for guidance on sizes and ordering uniform. Please refer to the Uniform Lists above to identify which items are compulsory purchases.