Welcome from the Executive Head Teacher

I am proud to be the Executive Head Teacher of Gildredge House school and feel privileged and excited to lead the school forward alongside a dedicated team of staff.  It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you to Gildredge House, a popular, mixed, comprehensive, all-through free school providing an excellent education for students from 4 to 16 years.

Primarily, Gildredge House is a warm, welcoming, and inclusive community. Every student, teacher and member of our community takes on a responsibility when joining Gildredge House to maintain and cultivate the unique culture that exists inside our walls. You will find this culture embodied in every part of our school, in the way Gildredge House students think, feel and act, whether aged 4 or 16.

Our mission is to Aspire in all that we do, and it is this mission that underpins and drives our vision and values. Fundamentally, we aspire to provide our young people with the highest quality education so they achieve their potential, and beyond. This is reinforced in the classroom by the Gildredge House Five, a set of teaching principles which ensure consistency in quality first teaching for all students in every phase of our school.

Our vision is clear and underpinned by a strong value-based curriculum. 

All members of our community are expected to model the Aspire values of Ambition, Support, Perseverance, Integrity, Reflection and Empathy, which permeate our formal and informal curriculum.

Our school is founded upon high standards and high expectations of students’ attitude to learning which we make no apology for. We expect a commitment from all students to the Gildredge House Way in being ready, respectful, and safe in every lesson. Exciting learning experiences, in and out of the classroom, are our priority and support students to flourish. We celebrate individual and collective achievements. Our co-curricular offer, including twilights and trips, ensures that students develop a broad range of skills and instil a genuine love of lifelong learning so they can have the absolute best opportunities in the next stage of their education or career. We begin our careers advice, information, and guidance programme in our Primary phase as we want to equip students with the skills needed to be lifelong learners and progress to work, world class universities, training, and employment.

As an all-through school, we recognise the privilege and opportunity we have of supporting students’ learning and development for twelve years of their lives. We continue to develop our curriculum to ensure there is a ‘through-line’ of knowledge and skills developed from Reception to Year 11 and that learning is continually assessed and challenged. Our shared facilities and resources create unique opportunities for students to integrate with other phases of our school, for example, when Year 10 students read with Year 1, when Year 5 students take part in science experiments in our specialist Science Labs or our all-through choir performing in our shared Atrium space. These opportunities provide students with continuity and stability through the traditional transition points; therefore, our students develop self-confidence and positivity throughout their time with us.  This sets Gildredge House apart from other schools.

As a Green Flag accredited school, we aspire to engage young people in environmental education and action. We have strong connections with local environmental charities, and our student-led Eco Committee group are committed to making a difference in our school and the wider environment. 

At Gildredge House, we understand that relationships are key. Our staff work incredibly hard every day to develop strong relationships with students and parents to ensure they are supported, inspired, and motivated to Aspire in all they do. When you and your family join us at Gildredge House, you become part of our community. Through a shared set of values, we provide an environment for children to feel safe, learn, and flourish every day. 

We recognise the importance of working together in partnership with our parent community. Our parent association, the Friends of Gildredge House (FoGH), provide a wonderful point of contact between families and our school. Whether you are new to our school, new to Eastbourne, or a long-standing member of our community, FoGH will support you and your family in becoming more involved in our school.

This website gives a comprehensive flavour of our school, but nothing can replace a visit during which you will have the opportunity to experience it for yourself. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch so we can show you around.


Mr Craig Bull, Executive Head Teacher
