Outstanding Post-16 Results 2022

18 Aug 22

Every year, A Level results day starts with nervous anticipation, shortly followed by delight, as students finally receive their examination results. This year, Gildredge House Sixth Form is once again celebrating a fantastic set of results for our students in their A Levels and other qualifications:

In addition:

  • 23% A* and A grades
  • 33% A* to B grades
  • 67% A* to C grades

Outstanding subject grades include: Geography, where we celebrate 60% A* and A grades; Chemistry achieved 50% A* and A grades; and 31% of BTEC Sport grades were Distinction or Distinction*.

We have a number of students who performed exceptional well. Katie Eagle achieved an impressive triple Distinction* in BTEC Sport, an A grade in Psychology and a B in Geography. A number of students secured A*/A grades across all their subjects, two of these being Eloise Key in Chemistry, Biology and Maths; and Kayden Wilkins in Chemistry, Physics and Maths.

We are extremely proud of all our students’ hard work and achievements. Students’ resilience and perseverance, despite the difficult circumstances over the past three years, has shone through during their studies. This cohort of students missed out on sitting formal examinations at the end of their GCSE studies, making the jump to A Levels and Level 3 BTECs even more significant. Reflecting on their impressive results, we feel this year’s results are a testimony to the students’ commitment to their education and an illustration of their determination to Aspire in all they do.

As a student-focused Sixth Form, we pride ourselves on our students leaving us with much more than just academic results. We focus on developing a range of skills and attributes through our range of super curricular, careers and pastoral programmes, including the Duke of Edinburgh Award. These additional skills have supported our students into their post-18 studies, further training or employment.

Following todays’ publication of results, many of our students have accepted places at high achieving universities. The majority of our students have achieved grades that enable them to attend their first choice institution, apprenticeship programme, or enter into employment in their chosen sector.

Head Teacher, Craig Bull, commented, “I am delighted with our students’ achievements. Despite all the challenges of studying through the COVID-19 pandemic, students have shown real resilience and character. I am immensely proud all of the individual achievements and successes. I would like to thank the teachers and staff at Gildredge House who have worked tirelessly, showing true dedication and outstanding pastoral care, and I would also like to say thank you to our parents and families for their support”.

Chair of Governors, Julian Mace, commented “I am absolutely thrilled with the results of all of our students and, on behalf of the Governors, would like to pass on my sincere thanks to their teachers, for their dedication to supporting student progress.”

We are proud to be able to celebrate not only students’ results, but also the enormous progress all our students have made since joining Gildredge House. As a Year Group, this cohort of students has been fantastic role models to the rest of the students in the school, demonstrating excellent leadership and service through our Gildredge ‘Giveback’ programme. The students have been exemplary members of our school community; for this we thank each and every student and wish them every success in their future endeavours.

August 2022
