Data Protection

Privacy Notices

Gildredge House collects and uses personal information about staff, students, parents and other individuals who come into contact with the school. This information is gathered in order to enable the school to provide education and other related services. There is also a legal requirement for schools to collect and use information to ensure that the school complies with its statutory obligations.

Our Privacy Notices can be found below:

Privacy Notice for Examination Candidate aged 13 or over: Access Arrangements Online

Access arrangements allow students with special educational needs, disabilities or temporary injuries to access an assessment without changing the demands of the assessment. For example, readers, scribes and Braille question papers. Before applying online for access arrangements in relation to a specific student, the school’s Data and Cover Manager will provide the student with a JCQ Data Protection Notice. This document includes a Privacy Notice that outlines how the student’s personal information will be used when it is shared with awarding bodies, including the JCQ, for the purpose of organising access arrangements. Students are asked to complete and sign the Personal Data Consent Form within the JCQ Data Protection Notice to agree to the school applying for access arrangements on the student’s behalf and to use and share information about them, as described in the Privacy Notice, for the purposes of the application. The student is provided with a copy of the JCQ Data Protection Notice for sharing with their parent(s).

Privacy notice for data sharing with the department for education 

As part of the Department For Education (DfE) work to identify the causes of poor school attendance and to support local authorities, multi-academy trusts and schools to improve attendance levels, the DfE would like to make it easier to access more timely student level attendance data by these parties. They are therefore inviting schools to take part in a data sharing project. The DfE's ambition is for this to help schools identify issues and challenges relating to absence and safeguarding in a quicker and simpler way. As part of this project, the DfE will also conduct research with schools, LAs and MATs to better understand how best to share the data and they will seek ongoing feedback to help deliver improvements to the data sharing activity. Please find a copy of the DfE Privacy Notice below. 

Publication Scheme

The Freedom of Information Act requires every public authority to have a publication scheme, approved by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), and to publish information covered by the scheme. Gildredge House has adopted the ICO’s model publication scheme which can be accessed below.

Subject Access Requests

Individuals have the right to access the personal data and supplementary information the school holds about them. This right applies to everyone whose personal data the school holds, including staff, Governors, volunteers, parents and students.

The school has a specific Subject Access Request Template Letter that is available for individuals to use if they wish. The completed Subject Access Request Template Letter can be handed into the School Office or emailed to The Subject Access Request Template Letter can be accessed below.

Special Category Data

This policy outlines the school’s obligations under Data Protection Legislation with regard to the processing of Special Category Personal Data. This should be read alongside the school Data Protection Policy, and the Privacy Notice.

Data Protection Officer

The Data Protection Officer for Gildredge House is GDPR for Schools.
