Culture for Learning

Culture For Learning

At Gildredge House, our intention is to provide an exemplary learning environment in every classroom which enables our students to flourish. We agree with John Hattie’s view that 'The greatest influence on student progression is having highly expert, inspired and passionate Teachers and school leaders working together to maximise the effect of their teaching on all the students in their care' (Hattie, 2023). As such, our Teachers endeavour to make effective use of the time they share with students, viewing every moment with them as 'water in the desert, the most precious resource' (Lemov, 2018). 
Our Gildredge House Teaching and Learning Handbook is the blueprint of our Culture for Learning and details what students should expect to experience during lessons in both our primary and secondary phases. We hope it provides you with a sense of what learning looks and feels like at Gildredge House.  

Gildredge House Teaching and Learning Handbook 2024-25
