Secondary Curriculum


Throughout the Secondary phase, we seek to continue the students’ excellent start from Primary, as well as integrating those that transition from other schools.  We do this by providing a caring and supportive learning environment, developing firm foundations to be built upon throughout the students’ school journey and beyond.  

Building on the students’ previous school experiences, we aim for Gildredge House to provide exciting learning opportunities, with the intention that our students Aspire and are challenged, allowing them to take risks and develop their growth mind-set.  We give them opportunities to see that mistakes are not failures, but opportunities to learn.  Students are actively encouraged to engage in their learning, both inside and outside the classroom and to develop physically, verbally, creatively and intellectually, whilst embedding a positive attitude to their learning. 

We also believe that kindness, consideration for others, resilience, perseverance and courage are all equally as important life skills, as academic attainment. Through our Gildredge House Way of being ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe’, we encourage our students to relate to one another with confidence, care, openness, and respect. We believe that a strong partnership with parents influences the good attitudes to learning at home and in school. 


At Gildredge House, we provide a progressive, ambitious and inclusive curriculum that is rich in language for all learners.  This: 

1. Prepares students for future careers, with appropriate knowledge and skills. 
2. Creates aspiration for lifelong learning. 
3. Develop independent, resilient people who positively contribute to their own lives and the wider community. 


The values that underpin our curriculum are: 

Ambition Support Perseverance Integrity Reflection Empathy

attitude to learning

The values that underpin our curriculum are:

· Ready for Learning · Appreciating the actions of those around you · Allowing others to learn
· Ready to do the right thing · Sharing things with others · Looking after the school environment and the wider environment
· Ready to admit when something has gone wrong · Being polite, have good manners show courtesy to those around you. · Making good choices
· Ready to put things right    


Our Curriculum Intent statement is used to drive curriculum implementation, alongside appropriately evaluated educational research. With this in mind, the Secondary curriculum is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of the students. At Gildredge House, we believe that this should build on the students’ starting points as they transition from Primary and which prepares them for progression to further study, post KS4.  Being an all-through school provides Gildredge House with a unique opportunity to ensure that the curriculum offer does indeed build on the skills and knowledge acquired at the Primary phase. 
In the Secondary phase, the students from Years 7 to 9 follow the National Curriculum in all subjects.  Students continue to develop core skills in English, Mathematics and Science, whilst maintaining a broad experience across the Humanities subjects, (Geography, History and Religious Studies), Languages, (French, German and Spanish), Creative Arts, (Art, Product Design and Hospitality and Catering), Computer Science, Drama, Music, Sport, (Physical Education) and Careers and Community, (PSHEE/RSE).  In Years 10 and 11 all students continue the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science, Sport, Religious Studies and Careers and Community, (PSHEE/RSE) and select up to four subjects from a range of choices.  In addition to the subjects studied at Key Stage 3, students also have the opportunity to study Business, Psychology, Photography and Creative I Media. 

Our Subject Leaders ensure that the different curriculum areas are progressive in terms of their objectives, with opportunities to revisit learning to ensure that it is embedded. 


  • Each subject has time to contribute effectively to learning. 
  • High quality texts are used. 
  • Literacy, Oracy and Numeracy focused 
  • Sequencing of concepts and progression of knowledge and skills. 
  • Closing the vocabulary gap. 
  • The promotion and use of an accurate and rich cross-curricular vocabulary throughout the Secondary phase, planned in all subjects using the
  • Word Aware approach and shared in all subjects. 
  • Accurately assess, track and monitor student progress.  


  • Students offered the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. 
  • Students offered the opportunity to be part of a student leadership group. 
  • Educational visits, including residential opportunities. 
  • Student-led assemblies and performances. 
  • Visitors. 
  • Learning outside the classroom. 
  • Responding to events in the news and current affairs. 
  • Charity events led by students. 
  • Competitive sport opportunities. 
  • Wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer. 
  • Visits to sites of historic, spiritual and cultural importance. 

