
Primary Reading Survey: Results 2022

As a school, we love reading.  We read to the children every day and celebrate it in school as much as possible.  Last term the children from Years 1 to 6 completed a ‘reading for pleasure’ survey.  We had 247 responses – see some of the key findings below:

  • 94% of children read at least a few times a week with 63% of children reading every day!
  • 84% of children said they either loved or liked reading.
  • 96% of children said they were either very good or good at reading.
  • 60% of children said they liked to read with an adult at home and 73% of children said they liked to read on their own.

Fiction was the most popular choice with 77% of children saying they like to read it compared to 40% of children enjoying information books.

60% of children think there is just the right amount of reading in school with 12% feeling there is too much and 28% thinking there is too little.

Finally, 64% of children feel there are a range of different text types and authors that they can access through our school libraries and our information stations with 37% saying they would like more text types.  This is something we are keen to support with.

Thank you to all the children who took the time to provide this very valuable information for us.

Quality Texts Rationale

All texts chosen strongly support and complement the Gildredge House School values that we have in place, along with being excellent high quality texts. Click on the links below to find out which books are used in each Year Group.

Phonics and Early Reading Policy

At Gildredge House, we believe that all our children can become fluent readers and writers. Please refer to our Phonics and Early Reading Policy to find out more about intent, implementation and impact in this area.

Phonics and Early Reading Policy.pdf

