
Gildredge House ‘Through-line’ Curriculum


At Gildredge House, our vision is clear and underpinned by a strong value-based education where learning in and out of the classroom is prioritised, to support students to achieve their potential and beyond. We have the highest aspirations for our school and every member of our school community.

If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please contact the School Office on


What are we aiming to develop and achieve for ALL students?

To provide a progressive, ambitious and inclusive curriculum, that is rich in language, for all students, from Reception to Year 13. This:

1.    Prepares students for future careers, with appropriate knowledge and skills.

2.    Creates aspiration for lifelong learning.

Develops independent, resilient people who positively contribute to their own lives and the wider community.

General Ethos Relating to self Relating to others Metacognition/ Managing learning Managing situations

Balanced students who flourish

An inclusive, all-through, values-based curriculum

Celebrate students’ individual and collective achievements

High standards and high expectations of students’ attitude to learning

Ready, Respectful, Safe

Proud of the Gildredge House Way, our uniform and attendance

All students to achieve their potential and beyond

ASPIRE values

Culture of care and wellbeing

Students to understand their responsibility to be global citizens

Engage students in environmental education and action

Work collaboratively within our local, national, and global communities

Learning experiences in and outside the classroom

A culture of ‘catching students in’



Strong careers programme

A learning environment
that supports risk taking and innovation

Restorative approaches



Ambition        Support       Perseverance       Integrity        Reflection       Empathy

Our key identities:

Eco School, Golden thread curriculum, Student Leadership, Careers, Literacy

How we are going to deliver our curriculum 
Components Gildredge House Lesson Culture Staffing structure Ready to learn routines Resources for effective implementation

Cross phase – Reception-Year 13 collaboration on curriculum development

Quality first teaching in all lessons.

Inclusive learning culture for all

Extra-curricular learning

Personal development curriculum

Tutor Time Programme


Educational visits and experiences

Alternative provisions







Explicit vocabulary teaching

Retrieval practice

Beautiful books

Senior Leadership Team

Heads of Department/ Phase Leaders

Subject Co-ordinators

Heads of Year


Peripatetic Staff

Subject specialists

Careers and Enterprise Co-ordinator

Support Staff


All students have access to correct equipment

Clear expectations around lesson culture and behavior

Culture of ‘catching students in' 

Attendance and punctuality

Building strong relationships

Research-informed strategies


Multimedia Centre

ASPIRE Radio station

Using experts in the specialist fields

Working with local alliances – support, moderation, collaborative events

Use of external support services for support with provision and assessment of needs

Subject specific classrooms



Statutory Expectations

Physical Development

PSHE/RSE Literacy Numeracy Knowledge and understanding of the world Art & Design RE

PE / Music / Drama

/ Clubs / Fixture

Careers and Community / Drop-down days / Assemblies / PSHE English / Phonics / Literacy  Maths Science / Geography / History / MFL / Computer Science Art / DT / Food Tech / Photography PRE
How well and how do we know that we are achieving our curriculum aims?
General Ethos Relating to self Relating to others Metacognition/ Managing learning Managing situations

Behaviour and attendance

Performance and accountability

Student outcomes

Parent Partnership events

Stakeholder Voice

External and internal Reviews

Governor monitoring of our SDP


Behaviour and attendance

Student Voice

Student leaders

Student Council

Assessment point data

Monitoring cycle, internal and external moderation

Cultural Capital

Parent / Governor / LA feedback

Participation in extra-curricular activities

ASPIRE points

Stakeholder Voice

Intrinsic motivation

Self-respect and mutual respect of others

Pro-social behaviour strategies, restorative conversations

The Gildredge House ‘Throughline’ Curriculum demonstrates understanding of how learning progresses and what the expectations are in all subjects from EYFS to Year 11 and how they connect. Staff from Primary and Secondary phases work collaboratively to identify the fundamental features that underpin the learning in each subject including the skills to be developed.

The content of the Curriulum sets out explicitly, the substantive and disciplinary knowledge that students will learn from the foundation stage to post 16, including key concepts, key vocabulary, and endpoints at each stage. As an all-through school, Gildredge House embraces the unique opportunity to thoroughly understand and provide a continuous journey of learning.

By offering a ‘through-line’ curriculum that is contributed to and developed by stakeholders from all phases and subject areas, teachers and students have a clear understanding of where knowledge and understanding has come from, where it currently is and where it leads to.


For information on each Phase, please click on the links below. 
