Mathematics Programme of Study

At Gildredge House, we provide a progressive, ambitious and inclusive curriculum that is rich in language for all learners.  This:  
1. Prepares students for future careers, with appropriate knowledge and skills.  
2. Creates aspiration for lifelong learning.  
3. Develops independent, resilient people who positively contribute to their own lives and the wider community.  
From this, we developed our Maths Statement:  
Our mathematics curriculum is designed with a dual commitment: to cultivate a deep-rooted understanding of mathematical principles and to inspire a lifelong love for problem-solving and logical reasoning. At the heart of our curriculum is the belief that every student possesses the potential for mathematical proficiency. We provide a structured and progressive learning journey that not only covers essential mathematical concepts but also encourages creativity and independent thinking. 
Through a blend of conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and real-world application, our curriculum seeks to bridge the gap between knowledge and practical problem-solving. We emphasise the importance of mathematical literacy as a tool for navigating the complexities of various disciplines and everyday challenges. We strive to equip students with the skills and mindset needed to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing landscape. Our Maths curriculum is a pathway to unlocking the potential of every learner, fostering resilience, curiosity, and a profound appreciation for the elegance and utility of mathematics.  
The main intention of our Maths curriculum is to build a mastery curriculum subject which is designed to develop children's knowledge, understanding and curiosity of mathematical concepts from the Early Years through to the end of Y11. At Gildredge House, we aim to take small steps to develop a love of Maths and develop resilient learners who have the skills to solve real life problems.   
Our intent is underpinned by:  
Underpinned by:  
Problem solving:  
Vocabulary rich environment:  
We intend for all pupils to become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.  
We intend for all pupils to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.  
We intend for all pupils to reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language  
We intend to create a vocabulary rich environment, where talk for Maths is a key learning tool for all pupils. Pre- teaching key vocabulary is a driver for pupil understanding and develops the confidence of pupils to explain mathematically.  
Programmes of study and scheme of learning  
Considerations when mapping the curriculum: 
Golden Threads:  
PV – Place Value  
C – Calculations  
F – Fractions  
D+P – Decimals and Percentages  
G + M – Geometry and Measure  
A – Algebra  
R+P – Ratio and Proportion  
S – Statistics  
P – Probability 
All of Primary starting with place value at the beginning of Term 1 as they need this foundation to progress and understand other parts of maths.  
Year 7 starts with algebra as an introduction to Secondary Maths as it is a key thread of the other year groups and builds on the algebra learnt in Term 3 and 6 in Year 6. Place value unit next in year 7 to ensure children have the foundation before moving on.  
Geometry is taught in Term 5 and 6 but used in retrieval starters and Maths blast throughout the year.  
In school, we follow the National Curriculum and use White Rose Schemes of Work as a guide to support teachers with their planning and assessment.  Units of learning are broken down into a series of small, connected steps with each building on the children’s prior learning. Each lesson focuses on one small step or a series of small steps. Pupils in the Early Years are prepared for the National Curriculum by developing a solid conceptual understanding of number, shape, space and measure. Learning throughout the school is introduced using a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach so that pupils develop a conceptual understanding of mathematics through a variety of representations. As children move through the Key Stages, they focus more on the abstract concepts but still use concrete and pictoral representations until year 11.   

Each unit of work ends with a unit assessment and feedback is given using our yellow forms. There are end of term assessments (autumn, spring and summer), question level analysis is given to students with links to Sparx Maths 
Maths  Link to medium term plans 
Lesson Structure  - talk about GH5  
Retrieval activity: Lessons start with a whole class ‘Flashback’ retrieval activity to develop long-term memory.   The questions recap learning from the previous lesson, the previous week, the previous unit and the previous term. Evidence shows that this has a positive effect on the long-term memory. Show me whiteboards are used to assess students and address any misconceptions.  
Fluency: In every lesson, there will be a fluency focus which helps to verbalise and embed mathematical ideas and provides pupils with a shared language to think about and communicate mathematics.  
Big Picture: Lessons make links to where the mathematics fits into real life scenarios and other areas of Maths.    
In-Focus Problem: A problem for the children to solve which is revisits previous learning or assesses prior knowledge of the new topic.  
Ping Pong Learning: Class teacher models key new learning. There is regular interchange between concrete/contextual ideas, pictorial representations and their abstract/symbolic representation during this stage.   
Guided Practice: Class solve a problem before solving similar problems independently. Throughout the independent tasks feedback and discussions are encouraged as well as opportunities to make connections to other areas of Maths. 
Every lesson will include the Gildredge House 5 components. Challenge, questioning, feedback, modelling and explanation  
INCLUSION – SEND friendly presentations, clear instructions, printed PowerPoints where necessary, key words. Use modelling strategies such as I, we, you. Targeted questions.   
A range of planning resources including those provided by the White Rose Hubs, NCETM, Sparx Maths and NRICH are used.  
The calculation policy is used within school to ensure a consistent, progressive approach to teaching the four operations.   
We continuously strive to better ourselves and frequently share effective practice across the whole school. We also take part in training opportunities and regional networking events to ensure all teachers have strong subject knowledge.   
Through our first quality teaching we continuously monitor pupils’ progress against expected attainment for their age, making formative assessment notes where appropriate and using these to inform our discussions in termly Pupil Progress Meetings. 
New Maths vocabulary is introduced during Word Aware lessons in Primary and across the school it is introduced and embedded throughout maths lessons.   
All lessons begin with a ‘Flashback’ retrieval starter to support and develop long-term memory focusing on knowledge from the previous lesson, previous week, previous unit and previous term.   
All lessons demonstrate the Gildredge House 5 (challenge, modelling, explanation, questioning and feedback) and children regularly have opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts, reasoning and problem solving.   
Reasoning and problem solving are integral to the activities children are given to develop their mathematical thinking and making links to other areas of Maths.   
In Primary, Maths Blast and regular times table practice supports arithmetic skills and speed. In Secondary, Sparx Maths helps to support their arithmetic skills.   
Resources are readily available to assist demonstration of securing a conceptual understanding of the different skills appropriate for each year group.   
Children are encouraged to explore, apply and evaluate their mathematical approach during investigations to develop a deeper understanding when solving different problems / puzzles.   
A love and curiosity of Maths is encouraged throughout school via links with others subjects, applying an ever growing range of skills with growing independence.   
Children with additional needs are included in whole class lessons and teachers provide scaffolding and relevant support as necessary. For those children who are working outside at pre Key Stage, individual learning activities are provided to ensure their progress.   
Implementation (T&L) How do you know what is planned, is happening: the monitoring (formal and informal) 
Teaching and staff meetings  
Termly learning walks supported by informal drop ins and conversations,  
Weekly phase meetings including sharing good practice.  
Book looks  
Moderations with other schools  
Moderation in phase meetings and with Secondary Departments 
Collaborative planning 
Curriculum through lines development with Secondary phases  
Weekly planning time within year groups 
Staff meetings – Maths reasoning,  
SEND Core offer: 
Targeted seating plans 
Pitch high, scaffold up,  
Interventions in and out of the classroom (and quality first teaching) – Venn diagrams  
Relationships with children and APDR’s  
Sensory, emotional needs depending on the child  
Gildredge 5: 
Strong in Phase: explanation, modelling, questioning 
Developing in department: Challenge and feedback  
JSW – questioning, BPR – modelling, SOS – modelling, JST – Questioning 
SLO – explanation, modelling, FSM – feedback, behaviour management 
Most children will make at least good progress from their last point of assessment or from their starting point prior to starting school.  
       This will be measured by the:  
               Progress from a child’s starting point.  
               Attainment at each point of assessment.  
Children demonstrate a quick recall of facts and procedures. This includes the recollection of the times tables.  
Children develop the flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations of Maths.  
Children develop the ability to recognise relationships and make connections in Maths lessons.  
Children show a high level of pride in the presentation and understanding of the work – beautiful books.  
Mathematical concepts or skills are mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.  
Pupils know how and why Maths is used in the outside world and in the workplace. They know about different ways that Maths can be used to support their future potential.  
Pupils use acquired vocabulary in Maths lessons. They have the skills to use methods independently and show resilience when tackling problems.  
Teachers plan a range of opportunities to use Maths inside and outside school.  


