Pupil Premium

Details on how Gildredge House spends its Pupil Premium funding and the effect this has on the attainment of the students can be found here.

“The Pupil Premium gives schools extra funding to raise the attainment of disadvantaged students from Reception to Year 11. The Pupil Premium is designed to address inequality by giving every school and teacher the resources they need to help their most disadvantaged students, allowing them the freedom to respond appropriately to individual circumstances. The premium is paid to schools as they are best placed to assess what additional provision their students need.” Source: DfE

We have established a clear rationale for how we use the Pupil Premium funding we receive. The amount we receive is determined by the number of students who are currently eligible for free school meals (or have been eligible for free school meals within the last six years) and children currently in the care of the Local Authority. Government guidance authorises the school to decide how the funding is distributed. We base these decisions upon up-to-date research and examples of best practice.
